It took roughly ten years for Convergences PP to become Europe’s leading scientific society dedicated to the study and management of Chronic Pelvi-Perineal Pains (CPPP).
Early in 2009, I was contacted by Jean-Jacques Labat who had no pain convincing me to adhere to his idea of grouping the driving forces involved in CPPP and scattered all over France and Europe. This new society would become a partner of the different existing societies dealing with the pelvis and the perineum. Thus Convergences PP was born with the support and the facilitation of the historical partner the SIFUD PP.

The young society began its career during its first congress in Nantes in December 2009. This was followed by other congresses: Nîmes, Nice, Aix-en-Provence, Brussels and Madrid in 2019. The annual congresses are key moments in the life of Convergences PP. Indeed, they gather the multi-disciplinary players involved in the management of CPPP, who come from very different horizons and this contributes significantly to the richness of our discussions. Moreover, the Convergences PP annual congress is a pivotal time to either finalize or initiate new lines of research that are indispensable to the progress of knowledge in this topic.

Owing to the success of its events, training sessions and congresses, Convergences PP achieved autonomy in 2009 by changing from the status of SIFUD PP’s partner society to that of Learned Society. Today Convergences PP manages its own members who are able to register on its web site.

In May 2010, in Istanbul, the members of the Convergences PP bureau met with their counterparts from the American IPPS and the British ISAP SIG. An agreement was found to create a world congress – the World Congress on Abdominal and Pelvic Pain (WCAPP) – organized every second year alternatively by the three international societies on CPPP.

Thus, the IASP organized the WCAPP1 in Amsterdam in 2013, Convergences PP the WCAPP 2 in Nice in 2015. Then it was the turn of the IPPS to organize the WCAPP 3 in Washington in 2017, followed again by the IASP for the WCAPP4 in London in 2019. Convergences PP will be in charge of organizing the WCPP 5 in 2021.

Convergences PP promotes, develops and validates scientific exchanges and works, and fosters the dissemination of knowledge on CPPP topics.

There are numerous scientific research, consensus-building and knowledge dissemination works, Worth mentioning are the Convergences PP criteria on pelvic hypersensitization, the consensus on the first line treatment of vulvar vestibulitis, pudendal neuralgia, of coccygodynia, the good practice guides for pudendal infiltrations or injections of botulinum toxins.

After the Brussels congress of October 2018, I was proud and honoured to succeed Jean-Jacques Labat, the historical leader and Jérôme Rigaud as President of Convergences PP. Thanks to this young and dynamic bureau, we have been able to develop numerous scientific projects and teaching sessions.
Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, 2020 has been a blank year. Howeever research and teaching works continue. I sincerely hope that we shall meet again in large numbers during the next Convergences PP – WCAPP 5 congress at the fall of 2021.



Eric Bautrant
President of Convergences PP
Uro-gynaecologist, Aix-en Provence, France