In order to reinforce its support to research and education, Convergences PP has decided to create an endowment fund to have the means to support and carry out – directly or indirectly – missions of general interest contributing to the topics (research project, recommendations, experts’ consensus, …).
The pluridisciplinary international scientific committee comprises 22 members, under the presidency of Pr. Roger ROBERT.
The Management Board of the Endowment Fund comprises at least 3 members, natural persons, from the Board of Directors of Convergences PP:
- The Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Convergences PP; he is President ex officio,
- One member of the Board of Directors bureau, appointed by the President,
- One member of the Scientific Committee appointed by the President of Convergences PP
Works funded by Convergences-PP
Validation psychométrique des critères de Convergences PP
V. Quistrebert-Davanne, J.-B. Hardouin, T. Riant, S. Ploteau, J. Rigaud, A. Levesque
Progrès en Urologie, Volume 31, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 1192-1200, ISSN 1166-7087.